Premature Ejaculation Causes – Understanding the Physical Aspects
Premature ejaculation is an irritating problem that many men deal with on a daily basis. While it’s not life threatening in any way, it can be embarrassing and frustrating. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for this frustrating problem.
One treatment option for premature ejaculation is medication. One popular form of medication for early ejaculations is Dapotexine, which is taken in tablet form. There are many forms of this medication and some require you to apply it to your penis directly, whereas others require a more indirect method such as a cream to apply.
Another treatment option for those who experience premature ejaculation is to try lifestyle changes. If you find yourself having intercourse just after getting the urge to do so, or if your partner is experiencing vaginal dryness, then these are all signs of a potential lifestyle problem that could lead to a more serious issue. Lifestyle changes would include quitting smoking, losing excessive weight, getting regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol. These lifestyle changes however are only recommended for those who have been able to have a normal and healthy sexual life up until now without encountering any sexual dysfunction.
Prescription medications are also a common way to treat erectile dysfunction in men. One of the most commonly prescribed drugs is called lidocaine. The medication works by numbing the nerves surrounding the penis which enables your body to overcompensate during sexual intercourse and prevent fluid build up. Some of the possible side effects include feeling like you’re “too relaxed” or “too heavy”, lightheadedness, numbness in the hands, and headaches. Sometimes, this type of treatment can be painful and a men’s health clinic in Cincinnati for ED and PE can tell you how to administer the lidocaine without any discomfort, as well as if you should.
Other ways to treat premature ejaculation include performing desensitization procedures like rubber gloves, condoms, and others. Rubber gloves are recommended especially for younger men because they are less likely to know how their body is feeling at the time and this could affect their performance. Condoms are the most common method of desensitization but not all people can bear the thought of being so close to their partner. For this reason, there are also various methods of topical treatment such as creams and other ointments that you can apply directly onto the genitalia to help you last longer in bed.
Finally, abnormal levels of certain hormones in the body could also be a factor in having premature ejaculation. For instance, low levels of DHEA or testosterone are linked to male virility problems. The men with abnormally low levels of this hormone are known to have problems with PE and they are also more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation. In extreme cases, this could even lead to the inability to maintain an erection long enough to complete sexual activity.
Premature ejaculation is a difficult problem for men to talk about. This is because many men have tried numerous methods to stop their premature ejaculation without success. Treating this condition requires that there be a root cause identified first. It may require medical intervention and sometimes psychological treatment as well.
A main symptom of premature ejaculation is experiencing multiple orgasms during sexual stimulation. Some men go as far as saying that they experienced multiple orgasms when they were sexually aroused by the stimulation of their partner, which accounts for the reason why it is often confused with orgasm. However, this symptom is not considered to be a valid type of orgasm because it is typically accompanied by ejaculatory fluid. Another common misconception is that premature ejaculation occurs only with heavy sexual stimulation. Again, this is not true because a man can still have a satisfying sex life even when engaging in light, low-pressure sexual activity.
The causes for premature ejaculation are many and varied. A variety of psychological, physiological, and behavioral factors are believed to play a role. One of the most common factors is abnormal levels of testosterone, which can occur in both males and females. Abnormal levels of the hormone occur in the body at different times and for different reasons. For example, some people experience abnormally high levels of testosterone when the body is undergoing puberty or when an individual is going through chemotherapy.
When a man has excessive amounts of testosterone, it can cause him to experience elevated levels of sexual stimulation and much more intense orgasms. On the flip side, when there is too much estrogen in the body, a woman’s vagina can become sensitized and she will be more likely to reach orgasm sooner than men. Some women also experience increased levels of vaginal discomfort when they are sexually stimulated. This can make it very difficult for a man to control his climax and prevent premature ejaculation from occurring sooner.
There are also numerous studies that have shown there are a number of biological causes for premature ejaculation, including anxiety and stress. Many doctors recommend SSRIs as a type of treatment to patients who have trouble delaying their orgasm. SSRIs work to help reduce the amount of stress hormones being produced and help improve the overall mental and physical state of the body. As a result, patients may experience a longer period of satisfaction during sex. Additionally, there are numerous studies that show that SSRIs improve sperm quality and function, which can lead to a longer and better sexual experience for partners.
So, SSRIs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Celexa can all help to relieve the symptoms associated with premature ejaculation by teaching men how to control the amount of ejaculate that they produce, which improves the quality of the sexual experience for both partners involved. Because a woman’s vagina is such a sensitive area, it is important to be absolutely sure that you are using a safe and effective technique for masturbation prior to intercourse in order to avoid any type of damage to your vagina or even infection. The less friction that is experienced during sex, the better the chances of having a pleasurable experience that lasts as long as possible.